Saturday, December 10, 2011


Whoever is reading this, I challenge you to do something you've always wanted to do, but haven't. I challenge you to venture outside of your comfort zone at least once a day. You can do it.

Don't worry about failing, If you do, at least you tried to begin with <3

Friday, December 9, 2011

Planning ahead :)

Hello everyone!

Today, my plan is to buy well...a planner, so I can plan out my gym days and things like that. I want to get In the habit of going to the gym, (it's been awhile).

Also, I need to learn self-control with food, when I'm home. I've learned that when food isn't always easily accessible is when I eat the best, but when I'm home, and food is all around, I struggle.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It's the small, simple victories in life that are the most rewarding.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Baby Steps

So, I've been tracking what I've been eating lately on the app I mentioned in my last post. I know it's only been about a week, but I already feel healthier. Knowing that I have to track it, makes me want to eat more veggies, and drink more water. I've also felt like I'm establishing a sense of control over the times when I eat, and how much I eat.

I think for me, it has to be about baby steps. If I try and make crazy changes all at once, I'm just setting myself up to lose. But now, I'm feeling good. My next step is going to be to work in more exercise time, but gradually.

My, "plan", even though right now I'm winging it, is to add in 1-2 days at the gym per week, and then increase that to 3 or 4. It has to be a gradual thing, and I have to learn to not be mad at myself for not going to the gym, or for only going once a week.

We must all learn to accept ourselves, and learn that our actions, opinions, movement & words are of value to someone. You matter, I matter, we matter :)
